Berkebun Sebagai Terapi Kesihatan Mental Sewaktu Pandemik Covid-19
Gardening as a Therapy for Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic
kesihatan mental, alam semulajadi, terapi, berkebun, COVID-19Abstract
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affects mental health in communities all over the world. Thus, this paper aims to see the potential of gardening as a therapy for mental health during this COVID-19 pandemic. Through the content analysis method, library research was conducted to examine this intervention. Findings show that gardening can be an alternative approach to prevention and healing in regards to mental health issues. Nature-based intervention such as gardening helps bring the feeling of peace and closeness to Allah which also allows for mental health issues to be curbed and health be restored, which ensures the overall well-being of those affected by COVID-19.
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