Kajian Penerokaan Persepsi Pendidik Kaunselor Islam terhadap Plagiarisme Pelajar
academic integrity, plagiarism, student, counselor educator, qualitative case studyAbstract
With the advent of recent technology especially the Internet, there is a challenge in maintaining academic integrity among students. One of the most common issue is plagiarism. Previous studies have considered plagiarism from the perspective of teachers as well as students at school up until the university level. This study examined Muslim counselor educators’ perceptions of students’ plagiarism. Using a qualitative case study, a purposive sample of five counselor educators from a single university were interviewed. Data collected were analyzed using thematic approach. Findings show participants’ attitude and behavior towards students’ plagiarism, and strategies pursued to educate students to avoid plagiarism. Limitations of the study, implications, and recommendations are discussed.
Keywords: academic integrity, plagiarism, student, counselor educator, qualitative case study.
Dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini khususnya Internet, terdapat cabaran memastikan integriti akademik yang tinggi wujud dalam kalangan pelajar. Salah satu isu yang sering berlaku adalah plagiarisme. Kajian lepas telah melihat tentang isu plagiarisme ini daripada perspektif guru dan pelajar di peringkat sekolah sehingga pengajian tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun, kajian ini mengkaji persepsi pendidik kaunselor Islam tentang plagiarisme pelajar. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif kajian kes, sampel bermatlamat dalam kalangan lima pendidik kaunselor daripada sebuah universiti awam ditemubual. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Dapatan melaporkan sikap dan tingkahlaku peserta terhadap isu plagiarisme pelajar serta strategi yang digunapakai untuk membantu pelajar mengelakkan plagiarisme. Batasan kajian serta implikasi dan cadangan kajian dibincangkan.
Kata kunci: integriti akademik, plagiarisme, pelajar, pendidik kaunselor, kajian kes kualitatif.
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