The Effect of Performance Appraisal System on Organizational Commitment: Case Study Gaza Electricity Distribution Corporation
Performance Appraisal System; Organizational Commitment; (GEDCO).Abstract
This study aims to investigate the effect of performance appraisal system on organizational commitment in Gaza Electricity Distribution Corporation (GEDCO). In total, 269 employees from the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company's six branches took part in the study, with a response rate of 82.16%. The analysis was conducted using a quantitative research methodology. To analyse the structural equation model and look at the study hypotheses, the (AMOS) tool was utilized.. The study found that there is a direct, weak, positive significant effect for performance appraisal system on organizational commitment. The results also denote that the dimensions (appraisal method (AM) and (appraisal feedback (AF) have the most impact on organizational commitment. The dimension (appraisal process (AP) was the least influential on organizational commitment.
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