Perspektif Islam dan Isu Amalan Memberikan Maklum Balas Membina Menurut Pegawai Penilai dan Pegawai yang Dinilai Skim Perkhidmatan Pendidikan
Islamic Perspectives and Practice Issues of Providing Favourable Feedback According to Evaluators and Evaluated Officers of the Education Services Scheme
Maklum balas membina, maklum balas prestasi, penilaian prestasi, skim perkhidmatan pendidikanAbstract
This qualitative study aims to identify Islamic perspectives on the issue of providing favourable feedback involving six evaluators and six evaluated officers of secondary school education service schemes in Sarawak. Study participants were selected by purposive sampling while data collection by semi-structured interview technique and analysed using content analysis technique. The findings of the study indicate that the issue of favourable feedback is associated with the issue of confidence in the effectiveness of favourable feedback and commitment to provide favourable feedback. Improvements need to be made to increase the effectiveness of performance appraisal and further studies are needed to address the problems that occur.
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