Exploring The Understanding of Philanthropy Among The Public in Oman
philanthropy, kindness, qualitative, culture, religionAbstract
Major natural disasters and catastrophes often prompt the public and organizations to start rallying for donations and philanthropic efforts. However, there is a limitation in understanding the term philanthropy. This study explores the understanding of the definition of philanthropy by the general public in Muscat, Oman. This is a qualitative study using in-depth interviews. Informants were introduced through the snowball technique. Data for the study were collected by conducting 20 open-structured interviews via Google Meet and Zoom platforms with the informants. The study of philanthropy from the general public’s perspective in Oman is explored, suggesting the term philanthropy consisted of five domains which are the practice of good deeds, positive affective, rehabilitation, learned model, and gratitude. These terms are more commonly used over philanthropic behavior and appear more comprehensive of the multitude of connotations and definitions across cultures. Future studies could consider exploring more younger millennials from a wider area about their philanthropic understanding.
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