Ibnu ‘Asyur’s Maqashidi Interpretation Paradigm and its Moderation in Equality Discourses
Maqashidi interpretation, Ibnu ‘Asyur, GenderAbstract
This article aims to describe the paradigm of maqashidi interpretation applied by Ibnu ‘Asyur in gender verses exegesis, with the focus discussions on patriarchal culture, hijab shar’i, polygamy, and nushu>z. It also describes the interpretation position among liberal and conservative interpreters which refer to Amina Wadud, Nas}r H{ami>d Abu> Zaid, Fatimah Mernissi, Ali> al-S{a>bu>ni>, and al-Mutawalli> al-Sha’rawi>. This library research finds that Ibnu ‘Asyur applied maqashid mas}lah}ah, sadd al-dhari>’ah, family law, and maqashid universality of Islamic law which is dominates in this exegesis, proved by his culture-friendly interpretation. In the meantime, there are three responses from Ibnu ‘Asyur. The first, he agreed with conservative interpreters and contradicted with liberal interpreters on the patriarchal culture and polygamy issues. Secondly, he contradicted with conservative and liberal interpreters on hijab shar’i issue. Thirdly, he contradicted with liberal interpreters and didn’t fully agree with conservative interpreters on the issue of legality hitting wife at nushuz. Culture-friendly interpretation can be a mediator for contradictions of two paradigms above.
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