Kesamarataan dan Kesaksamaan Gender: Kajian Terhadap Masyarakat Berbilang Kaum di Malaysia
Gender Equality and Equity: A Study in a Multi-Racial Society in Malaysia
kesamarataan gender, kesaksamaan gender, gender, kajian malaysia, masyarakatAbstract
Gender equality and equity are terms that carry different meanings within Islam and the West. Therefore, this study aimed to understand the perspectives of Malaysians on gender equality and their awareness of various gender-related issues in Malaysia. Specifically, the objectives of the study are: 1) To identify the views of Malaysia’s multicultural society on their understanding of the concept of gender equality, 2) To determine the extent to which informants agree with the implementation of the Gender Equality Act in Malaysia, 3) To obtain informants’ opinions on the two terms: gender equality and gender equity, and 4) To assess informants' awareness of the potential impact that gender equality may have on the development of social aspects in Malaysia. The methodological approach used is qualitative, through interviews with open-ended questions conducted via Google Forms with 14 informants selected through the snowball sampling method. The informants consist of NGO activists with knowledge of gender equality and represent various ethnic groups within Malaysian citizens. The analysis results show that each informant has their own distinct perspective on the concept of gender equality, which has both positive and negative impacts on the socio-cultural aspects of a multiracial, multireligious, and multicultural country. This study has implications for policymakers, activists, and both government and non-governmental organizations in formulating gender-related policies and programs that are sensitive to Malaysia’s cultural and religious diversity.
Kesamarataan dan kesaksamaan gender merupakan terma yang membawa maksud yang berbeza dalam konteks Islam dan Barat. Maka, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan masyarakat Malaysia terhadap isu kesamarataan gender dan sikap cakna mereka terhadap beberapa isu berkaitan gender di Malaysia. Secara terperinci, objektif kajian adalah: 1) Mengenal pasti pandangan masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum memahami konsep kesamarataan gender, 2) Mengetahui sejauh mana informan bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan akta kesaksamaan gender (Gender Equality Act) di Malaysia, 3) Mendapatkan pandangan informan terhadap dua istilah: kesamarataan gender (Gender Equality) dan kesaksamaan gender (Gender Equity), dan 4) Mengetahui sejauh mana informan cakna terhadap impak yang boleh dibawa oleh kesamarataan gender kepada pembangunan aspek sosial di Malaysia. Kaedah metodologi menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif iaitu temubual menggunakan kaedah soalan terbuka melalui google form kepada 14 orang informan yang dipilih secara snowball iaitu mereka yang mempunyai pengetahuan terhadap kesamarataan gender dan terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dalama kalangan warganegara Malaysia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa setiap informan mempunyai pandangan yang tersendiri terhadap konsep kesamarataan gender yang membawa impak sama ada positif dan juga negatif terhadap aspek sosio-budaya di dalam negara yang berbilang kaum, agama dan bangsa.
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