The Scientific Cues Study of “Zarrah” in Al-Qur’an as Knowledge Content on Modern Physics Learning Based on Tpack
human eye, optical devices, zarrah, quarksAbstract
This study aims to examine scientific cues in al-Qur’an related to Core Physics. This library research study is the result of a descriptive analysis of the Qur’an as primary data. While secondary data in the form of the book Modern Physics Schaum’s outlines, interpretation of al-Jami ‘li Ahkam al-Qur’an, interpretation of al-Qur’anul Madjid an-Nur, interpretation of al-Mishbah, Tafsir al-Jami’ al-Bayan at-Ta’wil Ayi al-Qur’an, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Aisar and other relevant articles. The analytical method used is critical analysis with inductive thinking techniques. This study reports that the word وَالاَبْصَار in QS. as-Sajdah verse 9 and QS. az-Zalzalah verses 7-8 contain the meaning of optical devices (eye) humans have limitations to be able to observe an atom whose composition of particles is very small and the word ذَرّةٍ in QS. Az-Zalzalah verses 7-8 contextually modern physics is called a quark. The eye as an optical instrument still has limitations to see quarks, so it is necessary to find an optical instrument that is more sophisticated than an electron microscope. Optical devices that have been discovered at this time as well as theoretical studies of atomic structure by scientists, are relevant to what has been explained in al-Qur’an.
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