Pemikiran Politik Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi di dalam Karya Islamisasi Ilmu dan Tawhid
The Political Thought of Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi in the Writings of Islamization of Knowledge and Tawhid
Islamisasi, Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi, Khilafah, Pemikiran Islam, PolitikAbstract
As a scholar of Islam, Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi has made great contributions especially in the field of philosophy, theology, education, and thought. Provided with a vast knowledge of Islamic tradition and Western, his ideas have impacted the academic world crossing the disciplines. Al-Faruqi also went further by transforming his ideas into a decisive practice especially when he co-founded the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) as a symbol that showcases the relevance of the methodology of Islamic education. Two of his significant writings which are the Islamization of Knowledge: General Principles and Work Plan and Al-Tawhid: Its Implications for Thought and Life have become one of the major references in the field of Islamic studies. By referring these two writings, this study argues that, Al-Faruqi’s view on politics is inevitable and he presented his political thought by establishing a substantial connection between Islam and politics. Besides that, Al-Faruqi also acknowledges the discipline of political science by arguing that such discipline is critical in assessing the problematic situation that the Muslim world is currently facing. Just like other Muslim political thinkers, Al-Faruqi also did not dismiss the important facts that the concept of khilafah is profoundly central to Islam and politics.
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