Pengamalan Meminum Air Kencing Unta: Tinjauan Berdasarkan Sinergi Antara Al-Taʿlil Bi Al-Ḥikmah dan Sains
The Practice of Drinking Camel Urine: A Review Based on The Synergy Between Al-Ta’lil Bi Al-Hikmah and Science
al-Ta’lil bi al-Hikmah., hikmah saintifik, air kencing unta, Maqasid Shariah, Tibb NabawiAbstract
Pelbagai reaksi muncul sama ada daripada orang awam mahupun ilmuwan Islam sendiri dalam menanggapi konsep pengamalan Tibb Nabawī khususnya beberapa isu kontroversi seperti sayap lalat dan air kencing unta. Justeru, kajian ini dilakukan bagi meneroka kaedah berinteraksi dengan Tibb Nabawī khususnya terhadap isu meminum air kencing unta berdasarkan konsep al-Ta’lil bi al-Hikmah yang diintegrasikan dengan data-data sains. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dan menggunakan metode analisis kandungan secara induktif dan komparatif terhadap hadis-hadis berkaitan air kencing unta, kitab-kitab fiqh dan kajian-kajian sains terkini khususnya terhadap manfaat perubatan yang wujud pada air kencing unta. Kajian ini merumuskan bahawa berdasarkan konsep al-Ta’lil bi al-Hikmah pengamalan meminum air kencing unta seharusnya disandarkan kepada objektif utama ia disarankan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu merawat penyakit tertentu dan hal ini bergantung kepada penyelidikan sains semasa. Kajian ini juga mendapati unsur atau elemen penyembuhan dan rawatan dalam air kencing unta terbukti secara saintifik. Walaupun kajian saintifik terhadap air kencing unta masih berada pada peringkat awal dan banyak lagi penyelidikan lanjutan yang perlu dilakukan, namun saintis memperakui ia berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai satu kaedah rawatan alternatif khususnya terhadap kanser.
Various reactions or approaches emerged from both the public and Muslim scholars in responding to the concept of practicing Ṭibb Nabawī especially on some controversial issues such as fly’s wings and camel urine. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the method of interacting with Tibb Nabawī, especially the issue of drinking camel urine through the concept of al-Taʿlīl bi al-Ḥikmah which is integrated with scientific data. This study is qualitative in nature and uses the method of content analysis both inductively and comparatively on the hadiths and fiqhi literatures related to camel urine and also the latest scientific studies especially on the medical benefits inherent in camel urine. This study concludes that based on the concept of al-Taʿlīl bi al-Ḥikmah the practice of drinking camel urine should be based on the main objective it was prescribed by Prophet Muhammad SAW which is to treat certain diseases and this is highly dependent on current scientific research in its determination. Analysis of scientific research also proves that there are elements of healing properties and therapeutic treatment in camel urine. Scientists also acknowledge that it has the potential to be used as an alternative treatment method especially against cancer. Although this study acknowledges that there is still a lot of further research that needs to be done in this field, it clearly indicates that wisdom and science need to be integrated so that various benefits can be extracted from each of Islamic text.
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