Forest Conservation Base on Religious Values:
A Case Study of Indigenous People of Kampung Dukuh
Religiosity, Forest Conservation, Indigenous PeopleAbstract
This study examines the religious reality of indigenous peoples in interacting with the natural environment (forest). The aim of this study is to form an alternative model of religious- based forest conservation in accordance with the character and reality of the life of indigenous/ rural communities. The approach used is a qualitative approach that is phenomenological, interpretative and ecological. The technique of data collection is done through participant observation and in-depth interviews and it is supported by a review of documents and literature, through the process of interpretation, critical evaluation, internal coherence, comparison, and heuristics, in the hope of providing an original concept of religious-based forest conservation models. The findings obtained from this study are: First, the diversity of the Indigenous People of Kampung Dukuh tends to be accommodative. Second, between religious values (Islam) and local traditional values interdependence (influence each other). Third, in the conservation of forests there is an ecological awareness that is placed on the foundation of Tauhid, worship, knowledge, khilafah, justice, beauty, and benefit. Thus giving rise to the theoretical implications of the Eco-Theology model, Eco-Ushul Fiqh, and Eco-sofi/ Tasawwuf.
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