Guest Editors’ Note: The Roles of Muslim Scholars in Disseminating The Quintessence of Barakah Through Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge
Editor Tamu: Peranan Sarjana Muslim dalam Pengembangan Nilai Barakah Melalui Kepelbagaian Bidang Pengetahuan
This special issue reflects the focal discourses of 13 articles presented at the International Conference on Islamic Higher Education 2018 (SeIPTI 2018) which was held in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. All articles convey the equivalent connotation entitled The Roles of Muslim Scholars in Disseminating the Quintessence of Barakah through Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge. The topics presented discussed on multiplicity of angles in knowledge, but shared the same aim in offering benefits for the ummah (community)’s needs.
Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli, Jaffary Awang & Zaizul Ab Rahman. (2020). The Contribution of Muslim-Buddhist Relation on Islamic Civilization. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 34-46.
Ahmed Abdul Malik. (2020). دور الإعلام الإسلامي في مكافحة الإرهاب . Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 138-159.
Aishah binti Hashimee, Mukhamad Hadi Musollin Subagio. التمسك بالعقيدة الصحيحة في إصلاح الفرد والمجتمع . Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 209-218.
Edi Setiadi, M. Rahmat Effendi, Nandang H.M.Z. & Riza Hernawati. (2020). Religiosity improvement and development of Islamic spirit: Case study of lecturers and education personnel in Universitas Islam Bandung. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 8-20.
Khatijah Othman, Nurhafizah Mohd Sukor, Suhailiza Md Hamdani, Nik Nadian Nisa Nik Nazli, Muhammad Khairi Mahyuddin, Yuseri Ahmad, Marina Munira Mutalib, Mashitah Sulaiman & Nor Adila Syahira Jusoh. (2020). The Needs for Psycho Spiritual Competencies for Disaster Workers in Malaysia. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 21-33.
M. Rachmat Effendi, Edi Setiadi &Malki Ahmad Nasir. (2020). Forest Conservation Base on Religious Values: A Case Study of Indigenous People of Kampung Dukuh. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 81-94.
Muhamad Zaki Mustafa, Mohd Faizal Kasmani, Mohd Yahya Mohamed Ariffin & Khairunneezam Mohd Noor. (2020). Perhubungan Awam, Media Sosial, Etika Kerja Islam Serta Trend Penggunaan Media Sosial di Sektor Awam Kementerian di Malaysia. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 47-66.
Muhamadul Bakir Yaakub, Khatijah Othman & Nik Nadian Nisa Nik Nazli. (2020). Pembangunan Instrumen Pengukuran Amalan Wasatiyyah dalam Kalangan Mahasiswa di Malaysia. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 67-80.
Najib Sheikh Abdisamad & Ibrahim Fahad Sulaiman. (2020). العولمة وموقف الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر منها . Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 146-174.
Nur Solehah Aqilah Md Ali & Nathasa Mazna Ramli. (2020). Governance Reporting in Humanitarian Philanthropic Organizations. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 95-126.
Ousmane Manzo bin Mokhtar Malim Musa Al Musa. (2020). القرآن الكريم والمساحة المشتركة في التعايش ماليزيا نموذجا . Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 190-208.
Rochmad, Asep Awaludin. (2020). مسؤولية الإنسان في بناء الحضارة المثلي في القرآن. Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 127-137.
Zakaria Bin Omar, Abdullah Muhammad Adam Kheir, Nordin Bin Ahmad. (2020). العربيَّة لأغراض أكاديميَّة: دارسة تحليليَّة لاحتياجات الدارسين . Al-‘Abqari Journal of Islamic Social Sciences and Humanities, 22(2), 175-189.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Khairunneezam Mohd Noor , Mohd Rosmizi Abd Rahman , Muhamad Zaki Mustafa, Setiyawan Gunardi, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid

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