‘Abqari Journal https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari <p><a href="https://penerbit.usim.edu.my/podcast/"><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/banner-podcast-penerbit-3.jpg" alt="" width="1519" height="297" /></a></p> <p><img style="float: left; width: 250px; height: 250px;" src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/asset-12x.png" alt="Smiley face" /><strong>Al-‘Abqari</strong> Journal is a refereed academic journal published biannually in May and October since 2015 (was published annually from 2011 to 2014) by USIM Press (Penerbit USIM) and managed by the Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). The main objective of its publication is to become a platform for academicians and researchers to share their findings, new ideas and expertise towards an integration of Islamic and modern knowledge or integration of Naqli and 'Aqli Knowledge as well as for the development of Muslim Ummah theoretically and practically. <strong>All articles must have the elements of integration of revealed and rational knowledge or integration of Naqli and 'Aqli Knowledge.</strong></p> <p><strong>Publication Dates</strong>: May and October</p> <p>Al-‘Abqari is available in electronic form in conjunction with the print edition. The on-line version is free to access and download.</p> <p>The editorial board welcome various categories of articles to be considered for publication here which have not been published or considered to be published in other journals. We accept original, full, experimental, theoretical and empirical articles.</p> <p><strong>THEMES/SCOPE</strong></p> <ol> <li class="show">Leadership</li> <li class="show">Da’wah</li> <li class="show">Management</li> <li class="show">Theology</li> <li class="show">Comparative Religion</li> <li class="show">Philosophy and Thought</li> <li class="show">Ethics and Sufism</li> <li class="show">Counselling and Psychology</li> <li class="show">Communication and Media</li> <li class="show">Tourism and Hospitality</li> </ol> <p><em>Jurnal Al-‘Abqari adalah sebuah jurnal akademik berwasit berasaskan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang diterbitkan dua kali setahun setiap bulan May dan Oktober (bermula pada tahun 2015, dan sekali setahun dari 2011-2014) oleh Penerbit USIM dan diuruskan oleh Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Objektif utama penerbitannya ialah untuk mewujudkan saluran kepada ahli akademik dan penyelidik untuk berkongsi dapatan kajian, idea baru dan kepakaran yang menyumbang kepada integrasi Islam dan ilmu moden serta pembangunan ummah dari sudut teori dan amali. Skop jurnal ini meliputi bidang Dakwah dan Pengurusan Islam, Kepimpinan Islam, Teologi Islam dan Perbandingan Agama, Akhlak dan Tasawwuf, Kaunseling dan Psikologi. Semua artikel mesti mengandungi elemen integrasi ilmu wahyu dan ilmu rasional atau integrasi antara ilmu Naqli dan Aqli.</em></p> <p>مجلة العبقري، هي مجلة علمية محكمة تصدر مرتين في السنة من العام 2015 من كلية القيادة والإدارة، جامعة العلوم الإسلامية الماليزية. الهدف من هذه المجلة هو أن تكون ملتقى الأكاديميين والباحثين لنشر إسهاماتهم الفكرية وآرائهم وخبراتهم الجديدة للتكامل بين الإسلام والعلوم الحديثة, والتكامل بين العلوم النقلية والعقلية لبناء الأمة الإسلامية نظرياً وعملياً. وتركز المجلة على المجالات الآتية: الدعوة والإدارة الإسلامية، والقيادة الإسلامية، وأصول الدين ومقارنة الأديان، والفكر الإسلامي، والفلسفة الإسلامية، والأخلاق الإسلامية والتصوف، والاتصالات والدراسات الإعلامية، والإستشارية وعلم النفس، كل الأوراق العلمية يجب أن تتضمن عناصر التكامل بين العلوم النقلية والعقلية.</p> <p><strong>MANUSCRIPTS</strong></p> <p>Manuscripts can be written in either Malay, English, Indonesian or Arabic language and must be typed in a format of single spacing between the lines in an A4 sized paper. The font to be used must be a Times New Roman in size 12 for the text and 10 for footnotes. For Arabic, the font to be used must be the Traditional Arabic font with size 16 for the text and 12 for the footnotes. The length of the article should not be more than 8000 words in length (excluding the abstract, references, notes/footnotes, tables and/or figures). All submitted articles will be subjected to a double-blind review by an anonymous and independent reviewer.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted to the Journal is not returnable whether they are accepted for publication or not.</p> <p>Published articles does not necessarily represent the views of the Leadership and Management Faculty and the Management board of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Writers are responsible for their writings. Articles received by the editorial board is assumed to have never been published or considered for publication at another journal. The Abqari editorial board is not responsible for any matters arising due to this.</p> <p>Al-‘Abqari journal follows the APA (American Psychological Association) style for all in-text citation. The Chicago style for footnote referencing system is only accepted for certain situation (i.e. Special Issue).</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>CONTRIBUTORS</strong></p> <p>Contributors must to provide a brief biodata which includes the full name, title, name of the organisation, address, and email address.</p> <p>Acknowledgment section: Author/s may write acknowledgement at the end of article, before references. Author/s should mention the funding bodies or grant numbers (if applicable).</p> <p><strong>PEER REVIEW</strong></p> <p>Al-‘Abqari journal uses double-blind review. All manuscripts submitted to al-‘Abqari Journal are subjects to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to blind peer review by at least two independent, anonymous experts in the field. Comments from appointed reviewers are sent to the authors and they are notified of the journal’s decision (suc as; accept, accept with revisions, reject). Author’s will be asked to revise the manuscript accordingly. This entire review process will take anyhwere between 4 and 6 months after submission of the manuscript. The refview process is treated confidentially at all times. The Editors’ decision is final.</p> <p><strong>COPYRIGHT AND STYLE</strong></p> <p>If the article is accepted for publication, the copyright of this article will be vested to author(s) and granted the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, unless otherwise stated.</p> <p>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</p> <p>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>All articles are to be submitted with two abstracts in two languages (one of them must be in Malay or English). For example, for an article that is written in Malay, the abstract has to be written in Malay and English. Arabic article should provide abstract in Arabic and English. English article should provide abstract in English and Malay. Abstract should not be more than 100 words for original manuscript, and 200 words for non-original manuscript. 3-5 keywords are to accompany the abstract.</p> <p><strong>ETHICS STATEMENT</strong></p> <p>For al-‘Abqari Journal Ethics Statement, please go to Publication Ethics or visit:</p> <p>https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/ethics</p> <p><strong>ARTICLE SUBMISSION</strong></p> <p>The editorial board has the right to publish or not to publish articles that had been submitted for evaluation. All manuscripts (in Microsoft Word format) are to be sent via Abqari Open Journal System: https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my</p> <p>All queries regarding the journal can be addressed to:- abqarifkp@usim.edu.my</p> <p><strong>SPECIAL ISSUE</strong></p> <p>Al-'Abqari welcomes publication of Special Issue. Authors/organization may also request to publish a special issue. A formal request should be emailed to Chief Editor or to the appointed representative of al-'Abqari's editor/s. However al-'Abqari has the right to accept or to reject the request. Al-'Abqari also has the right to appoint Guest Editors, in which al-'Abqari's representative may be appointed as the Chief Guest Editor who is/are responsible for managing the process of particular Special Issue. All standard procedures of review should be followed.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Chief Editor</strong><br />Al-‘Abqari Journal, <br />Faculty of Leadership and Management, <br />Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), <br />Bandar Baru Nilai, <br />71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, <br />MALAYSIA</p> <p><br />Tel: 06-7988724 <br />Fax: 06-7988244 <br /><strong>Email: abqarifkp@usim.edu.my</strong> <br /><strong>Website: https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my</strong></p> <p><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/aci.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/mc.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/myjurnal.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/cross.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /><a href="https://www.ebsco.com/"><strong><img src="https://uijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminuij/ebs.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /></strong></a><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/gs.png" alt="" width="202" height="46" /></p> <p><img src="https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/public/site/images/adminabqari/logo-oa202020.png" alt="" width="500" height="80" /></p> Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) en-US ‘Abqari Journal 2504-8422 <div class="copyright_notice"> <p>The copyright of this article will be vested to author(s) and granted the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the <strong>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license</strong>, unless otherwise stated.</p> </div> The Potentials of Waqf to Attain Youth Empowerment for Low Level of Corruption and Peaceful Coexistence in Kano, Nigeria https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/501 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The study was aimed to explore the potential roles of waqf institutions in the provision of youth empowerment for low level of corruption in Kano State. The low level of corruption is one of the pillars of positive peace. Youth unemployment, lack of resources, lack of funding resulted in high corruption in the society, and this resulted in the increase in crime rate, insecurity and social vices among the youth in the state. The thread, insecurity situations, poverty, unemployment and deplorable conditions in Kano are at alarming rate, there are several cases of criminal activities among the youth which includes, thuggery, theft drug abuse among others this is due to unemployment, illiteracy and poverty. The youth’s conditions in Kano needs urgent attention to salvage the peace and tranquility of the state. Methodology -the research uses the qualitative approach to examine the potential role of waqf in addressing these issues and recommends the ways which waqf funds used to efficiently empowered the youth, Whereas, the interview was conducted, and the data were analyzed thematically. Findings- The waqf has the potentials in addressing the menace of unemployment, insecurity and other social vices among the youth in kano, lower the level of corruption and established peace. The study concluded that, waqf institutions has the potential role in addressing youth empowerment for the low level of corruption and peaceful coexistence in the state.</p> Ibrahim Dahiru Idriss Nura Abubakar Gwadabe Asmak Ab Rahman Copyright (c) 2023 Ibrahim Dahiru Idriss, Nura Abubakar Gwadabe, Asmak Ab Rahman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 1 13 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.501 أسباب الاحتمالات الإعرابية في تفسير البيضاوي: سورتي البقرة وآل عمران أنموذجا https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/530 <p>إن تعدد الاحتمالات الإعرابية هو من باب سعة المعنى في العربية. وهو من سمات النص القرآني الذي جاء عامراً بكثير من نماذج أوجه الإعراب المختلفة لكثير من تراكيب اللغة، إذ لا تكاد تخلو آية من آياته من تلك الاحتمالات الإعرابية. والوقوف على معاني تلك الاحتمالات الإعرابية وأسبابها يحتاج إلى دقة نظر وتأمل وتحليل. وقام البحث على أسباب الاحتمالات الإعرابية وأثرها في المعنى مركزاً على هذه الظاهرة في القرآن الكريم من خلال تفسير البيضاوي. وقد اعتمد البحث بصورة عامة على المنهج النوعي (الكيفي)، وعلى وجه الخصوص على استقراء تام لنماذج عينة الدراسة من التراكيب اللغوية في الزهراوين (البقرة وآل عمران) في كتاب (تفسير البيضاوي) بما اشتملت عليه من الاحتمالات الإعرابية. وقد بلغت أربعين عينة فيها من الاحتمالات الإعرابية المختلفة ما يوقد فتيل البحث ويشعل ذهن الباحث للخروج من التنظير اللغوي إلى حيز التطبيق اللغوي. وكشفت الدراسة أن المعنى هو المهيمن والموجه لهذه الوجوه الإعرابية. فلكل وجه إعرابي معنى خاص به يؤثر في المعنى ويتأثر به. واستطاعت الدراسة أن تخرج بعدة أسباب جوهرية كانت السبب وراء ظهور هذه الاحتمالات الإعرابية وتكمن في الآتي: تعدد القراءات فلكل قراءة ما يوجهها إعراباً ومعنى، وغياب الحركة الإعرابية كذلك أسهم في تعدد الاحتمالات الإعرابية. ومن الأسباب أيضاً: الخلاف النحوي بمدارسه المتنوعة، والخلاف العقائدي بمذاهبه وفرقه، وفقدان النغمة، واشتراك أكثر من معنى نحوي في علامة إعرابية واحدة، واشتراك أكثر من معنى في كلمة واحدة، واختلاف العلماء في مفهوم أو تفسير المفردة. كل ذلك ساهم في وفرة الاحتمالات الإعرابية وتعددها.</p> <p><em>The plurality of syntactic possibilities is of what has been related about the broadness of meaning of Arabic language. This phenomenon is one of the features of Quranic texts, all of which full of many syntactic facets in various language structures where any Quranic verses are hardly to devoid of these syntactic possibilities. Understanding the meanings of these syntactic possibilities and their causes requires due consideration, reflection, and analysis. The research sought to address factors of syntactic possibilities and their effect on meaning, focusing on the Holy Quran in light of the exegesis of al-Baiḍāwi. The research drew on a qualitative approach, and in particular, a complete induction of the study samples from the linguistic structures of al-Baqarah and Āli-‘Imrān that entail the syntactic possibilities in the exegesis of al-Baiḍāwi. There were forty different samples of syntactic possibilities identified, inspiring the researchers to shift from linguistic theorizing to linguistic application. Nonetheless, the research only analysed fifteen samples and revealed that each syntactic facet has its own meaning that affects and is affected by the meaning. The research was able to bring to the fore several fundamental reasons which affect these syntactic possibilities as follows: plurality of variant readings of the Quran, absence of syntactic diacritics, grammatical and creedal disagreement, inclusion of more than one possible grammatical meaning within a single syntactic sign, and disagreement in scholars’ opinions on the concept or interpretation of a word. These reasons contributed to the abundance of those syntactic possibilities.</em></p> Mohamad Hussin Khalid Nasser Almaliki Mat Taib Pa Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamad Hussin, Khalid Nasser Almaliki, Mat Taib Pa https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 14 38 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.530 دور الوسطية في وحدة الأمة الإسلامية https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/503 <p>الوسطيّة هي وسيلة هامّة لوحدة هذه الأمّة وسلامتها وأمنها من التفرقة والتشرذم، حيث إن الفكرة الوسطيّة هي التي تضمن وحدة الأطراف المتنازعة وجمعهم على صعيد واحد، كما أن الوسطيّة تنقذ الأمّة من الوقوع في براثن الكفر والتكفير والضلال. وأيّ جنوح عن الوسطية سيؤدي بصاحبه إلى الإفراط أو التفريط، وكلا هما سبب من أسباب تفرق الأمة وتشتتها، وضياع أمنها وسلامتها، ولذا وصف الله سبحانه الوسطية كسمة لهذه الأمة، حيث قال الله تعالى: ﴿ وَكَذَلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا ﴾ [البقرة: 143]، ويأتي هذا البحث ليلقي الضوء على الوسطية وتأثيرها على وحدة الأمة باستخدام بعض المناهج المناسبة لها كالمنهج الوصفي والاستقرائي والتحليلي، ومن أهم نتائج البحث أن الوسطية لها مفهوم واسع في الإسلام، وهي معيار وحدة الأمة وسفينة أمنها من الهلاك.</p> <p><em>Moderation is a means for the unity, safety and security of this Ummah from division and fragmentation, as the moderate idea is what guarantees the unity of the conflicting parties and their gathering on one level. Moderation saves also the Ummah from falling into the clutches of infidelity, blasphemy and misguidance. Any deviation from moderation will lead the person to excessiveness or negligence, both of which are among the causes of the Ummah’s disunity and dispersal, and the loss of its security and safety. Therefore, Allah S. W.T describe the moderation as a characteristic of this Ummah, as Allah S.W.T said: “And thus, we have made you a middle nation so that you may be witnesses over people and that the Messenger will be witnesses for you” (Al-Baqarah:143). This study comes to shed light on moderation and its impact on the unity and integrity of the Ummah by using some appropriate approaches to it, such as the descriptive, inductive and analytical method. One of the most important results of the study is that moderation has a broad concept in Islam, and it is the criterion of the nation’s unity and its safety ship from destruction.</em></p> Mesbahul Hoque Kauthar Abd Kadir Yuslina Mohamed Muneer Ali Abdul Rab Copyright (c) 2023 Mesbahul Hoque, Kauthar Abd Kadir, Yuslina Mohamed, Muneer Ali Abdul Rab https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 39 53 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.503 Tinjauan Literatur Sistematik Terhadap Peranan Institusi Masjid di Malaysia https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/508 <p>Institusi masjid merupakan institusi yang penting bagi umat Islam. Setiap amalan dan aktiviti khususnya yang melibatkan keagamaan seringkali dilaksanakan di masjid dan kawasan sekitarnya. Pada zaman Rasulullah S.A.W, masjid menjadi pusat ibadah, pusat sosial dan pembudayaan serta penyebaran ilmu yang agung. Namun, pada masa kini peranan masjid dilihat perlu ditonjolkan selari dengan perkembangan dunia supaya masjid mampu menjadi institusi yang unggul dalam pemerintahan dakwah Islam. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peranan institusi masjid di Malaysia sama ada masih mengekalkan peranan yang sedia ada sebagaimana zaman Nabi ataupun terdapat penambahan yang relevan seiring peredaran zaman. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen dan berpandukan tinjauan literatur sistematik (Systematic Literature Review). Metodologi ini mempunyai empat peringkat yang khusus iaitu pengenalpastian, saringan, kelayakan dan kemasukan. Kajian ini bersumberkan daripada dua pangkalan data yang berbeza iaitu MyJurnal dan Google Scholar yang telah diterbitkan sejak 10 tahun kebelakang iaitu daripada tahun 2012 sehingga 2021. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa sebanyak 48 artikel dan jurnal yang berjaya ditemui setelah carian dilakukan. 10 artikel akan dibahaskan oleh penulis di bahagian perbincangan. Hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan kepada ahli akademik dan pihak yang berkenaan dalam mengetahui peranan masjid di Malaysia pada masa kini.</p> <p><em>The institution of the mosque is a symbol of the unity of Muslims, which is a pillar for the spread of knowledge and Islamic preaching. The institution of the mosque is also a body that always receives attention because it encompasses the responsibility towards Muslims that involves social aspects such as worship centres, community centres and educational centres. The importance of the role of this institution has been recorded since the reign of Rasulullah S.A.W., thus becoming a reflection of the values ​​of Islamic civilization, which is comprehensive and universal. However, now the role of the mosque is seen to need to be highlighted in line with the development of the world to become a superior and influential institution. This study aims to examine the function and role of the mosque institution in Malaysia today by referring to the role of the mosque in the time of Rasulullah S.A.W. This qualitative study uses the method of document analysis through a systematic literature review that has received the attention of recent researchers. The study results found that 89 articles and journals were successfully found from specific websites and selected by the researcher based on Google Scholar and MyJurnal. Next, 20 articles will be discussed in the discussion section because those values ​​represent the articles most relevant to this study. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for academics and parties concerned about the role of mosque institutions in Malaysia.</em></p> Zawin Hannan Sofea Shahbuddin Setiyawan Gunardi Copyright (c) 2023 Zawin Hannan Sofea Shahbuddin, Setiyawan Gunardi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 54 71 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.508 Kemungkaran Akidah di Malaysia dan Peranan Institusi Hisbah dalam Menanganinya https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/528 <p>Islam merupakan agama bagi persekutuan di Malaysia. Penetapan ini menjadikan perintah-perintah Islam dapat dilaksanakan di Malaysia, termasuklah perintah amar makruf nahi mungkar. Perintah ini dilaksanakan melalui institusi <em>hisbah</em> yang bertindak sebagai pihak berkuasa. Namun begitu, masih terdapat kemungkaran yang perlu dikawal agar tidak menular dalam kalangan masyarakat. Antara kemungkaran yang menjadi perhatian ialah kemungkaran akidah. Kemungkaran jenis ini mampu menggugat pegangan akidah <em>Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jam</em><em>a‘ah</em> (ASWJ) di Malaysia. Institusi <em>hisbah</em> telah mengambil beberapa inisiatif bagi membendung kemungkaran jenis ini. Justeru itu, kajian ini dilakukan bagi menghuraikan kemungkaran akidah di Malaysia serta menjelaskan peranan institusi <em>hisbah</em> dalam menangani kemungkaran akidah di Malaysia seperti ajaran sesat, pemikiran menyeleweng dan murtad. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah dokumentasi untuk pengumpulan data dan kaedah analisis kandungan untuk analisis data. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh institusi <em>hisbah</em> ialah melakukan kajian, memberi penerangan, mengeluarkan fatwa, menapis maklumat untuk masyarakat serta memantau kemungkaran akidah. Usaha dan tindakan institusi <em>hisbah</em> ini menjadikan kemungkaran akidah yang berlaku di Malaysia dapat dikawal dengan baik dan akidah ASWJ dapat dipegang dengan teguh oleh umat Islam di Malaysia.</p> <p><em>Islam is the religion of the constitution in Malaysia. This stipulation makes Islamic orders to be implemented in Malaysia, including the order of commanding right forbidding wrong. It is enforced through hisbah institutions that act as authorities. However, the existence of never-ending deviations need to be controlled to prevent them from further spreading. One of the most concern is the aqidah deviation. This deviation could undermine the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama‘ah (ASWJ) in Malaysia. Hisbah institutions have take several initiatives to curb aqidah deviation. Therefore, this study is carried out to explain the aqidah deviation in Malaysia and clarify the role of hisbah institutions in dealing with the aqidah deviation in Malaysia such as religious cult, misappropriation thought, and apostasy. This study uses documentation method for data collection and content analysis method for data analysis. This study found that hisbah institutions actions are conducting research, providing information, issuing fatwa, filtering information for community and monitoring aqidah deviation. The efforts and actions of hisbah institutions make the aqidah deviation that occurs in Malaysia well controlled and Muslims in Malaysia can firmly hold the faith of ASWJ.</em></p> Nor Amalina Abd Rahman @ Sabri Wan Hishamudin Wan Jusoh Copyright (c) 2023 Nor Amalina Abd Rahman @ Sabri, Wan Hishamudin Wan Jusoh https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 72 83 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.528 Pendekatan Dakwah Melalui Undang-Undang: Pengalaman Negeri Kelantan Dalam Pemerkasaan Kawalan Penjualan Arak (Liquor) https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/535 <p>Dari perspektif dakwah, undang-undang dilihat sebagai satu dari medium yang boleh dimanfaatkan dengan mengaplikasikan pendekatan yang bersesuaian dengan isu dan keperluan dalam realiti masyarakat. Arak adalah isu yang berterusan dan berkeperluan untuk dikawal penjualannya kepada masyarakat bukan Islam bagi mengurangkan tahap pengambilan yang menjejaskan kesihatan, tingkahlaku sosial serta sebagai penghormatan kepada agama dan budaya mayarakat yang beragama Islam. Justeru, kajian ini menumpukan analisis pendekatan dakwah melalui kawalan penjualan arak yang diperkasakan secara lebih ketat dalam urus tadbir kerajaan Negeri Kelantan yang menjulang dasar Islam dalam pentadbiran. Temubual telah dijalankan terhadap dua kategori informan iaitu agensi-agensi kerajaan yang terlibat dan juga pemilik premis arak yang didominasi oleh masyarakat berbangsa Cina bukan Islam. Pemerhatian secara langsung turut diaplikasikan melalui tinjauan di kawasan premis sekitar Kota Bharu dan penyertaan dalam siri serbuan anjuran Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT). Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pendekatan dakwah memahami latar belakang agama, budaya serta hak <em>mad‘u</em>, menghilangkan salah tanggapan <em>mad‘u</em> kepada Islam, menerangkan sebab disebalik sesuatu suruhan dan larangan, berperingkat-peringkat (<em>tadarruj</em>), <em>tarḥīb</em> dan kekerasan serta <em>targhīb</em> dan kelembutan telah diaplikasikan melalui dasar dan garis panduan yang diperkenalkan.</p> <p><em>From the da'wah perspective, the law is seen as a medium that can be utilized by applying appropriate approaches that suit the needs of society's reality. Liquor is an ongoing issue. Hence, controlling liquor sales is needed towards non-Muslims in reducing their level of consumption that affects their health, social behaviour, and as a sign of respect to Muslims’ religion and culture. Therefore, this qualitative study focuses on analysing the da’wah approaches via the law of liquor sale control, which is strictly strengthened by the Kelantan State that upholds the Islamic policy in their governance. Interviews were conducted with two categories of informants: seven related government agencies and ten owners of liquor premises dominated by the non-Muslims Chinese. Direct observation was also applied to the premises around Kota Bharu and participation in raids organized by the local state authority. This study found that the da'wah approaches, which are understanding the religious background, culture and rights of mad‘u, dispel the misconception of mad'u toward Islam, explain the reasons behind certain injunctions and prohibitions, gradual (tadarruj), strict (tarḥīb) and also gentleness (targhīb) that have been applied through policies and guidelines introduced. In conclusion, the laws of liquor sale control in Kelantan clearly implements da'wah with appropriate approaches.</em></p> Nik Suhaida Nik Abdul Majid Copyright (c) 2023 Nik Suhaida Nik Abdul Majid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 84 107 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.535 The Effect of Performance Appraisal System on Organizational Commitment: Case Study Gaza Electricity Distribution Corporation https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/546 <p>This study aims to investigate the effect of performance appraisal system on organizational commitment in Gaza Electricity Distribution Corporation (GEDCO). In total, 269 employees from the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company's six branches took part in the study, with a response rate of 82.16%. The analysis was conducted using a quantitative research methodology. To analyse the structural equation model and look at the study hypotheses, the (AMOS) tool was utilized.. The study found that there is a direct, weak, positive significant effect for performance appraisal system on organizational commitment. The results also denote that the dimensions (appraisal method (AM) and (appraisal feedback (AF) have the most impact on organizational commitment. The dimension (appraisal process (AP) was the least influential on organizational commitment.</p> Wasim Swidan Kalsom Ali Ali Al Tahitah Copyright (c) 2023 Wasim Swidan, Kalsom Ali, Ali Al Tahitah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-03 2023-10-03 29 1 108 134 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.546 Blending Naqli And Aqli Elements In Internship Programs https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/534 <p>The integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge constitutes one of the core missions of Islamic Science University Malaysia (USIM), aimed at cultivating competent graduates who have emerged from the Islamic Studies High School education system. This program spans four years of study, encompassing seven semesters of classroom-oriented learning and a final semester dedicated to industrial training in order to successfully fulfill the curriculum. The primary objective of this article is to present the outcomes derived from the university's efforts concerning the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge. For this purpose, two students were selected and dispatched to overseas locations (Sydney, Australia, and Beijing, China) to delve into and comprehend the nuances of the Integration concept, which had been cultivated throughout their time on campus. The insight garnered from these experiences forms the basis of this article, as documented in the students' Industrial Training reports. The findings of this study reveal that the application of the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge extends beyond the confines of the tasks typically assigned to Muslim interns.</p> Nusairah Ramli Hajar Hazwani Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 Nusairah Ramli, Hajar Hazwani Abdullah https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 29 1 135 150 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.534 Tinjauan Konsep Pembiayaan Kredit Mikro di Malaysia https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/539 <p>Pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat di Malaysia dapat dilakukan melalui pembasmian kemiskinan. Pada masa kini, pembasmian kemiskinan dilakukan dengan cara menggalakkan golongan miskin untuk memulakan perniagaan supaya dapat berdikari dengan pendapatan sendiri yang tetap. Bagi menyokong usaha ini, pembiayaan kredit mikro kepada golongan miskin yang tidak mempunyai sumber pendanaan bagi memulakan perniagaan telah disediakan oleh institusi-institusi kewangan seperti bank-bank. Selain daripada institusi perbankan, terdapat berbagai-bagai institusi pembiayaan kredit mikro yang telah beroperasi di Malaysia. Dua institusi yang menunjukkan kadar kejayaan yang tinggi dalam membantu masyarakat miskin keluar dari kancah kemiskinan melalui pemberian modal perniagaan ialah Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia dan juga TEKUN Nasional. Kedua-dua institusi ini dijadikan contoh dan bahan kajian dalam penyediaan artikel ini. Masalah utama yang perlu dibincangkan ialah status kepatuhan Syariah produk pembiayaan kredit mikro yang ditawarkan oleh institusi-institusi ini. Kajian ini adalah penting bagi pengguna terutamanya pelanggan Muslim dari golongan miskin yang memerlukan alternatif berkesan bagi menamatkan kemelut ekonomi mereka. Pelanggan Muslim perlu memastikan pembiayaan kredit mikro di Malaysia adalah patuh Syariah untuk menjaga kesucian harta seperti yang diajar di dalam agama Islam. Oleh itu, kajian ini mempunya tiga objektif utama yang perlu difokuskan. Setelah status ketidakpatuhan Syariah produk pembiayaan kredit mikro yang ditawarkan dibuktikan, kajian ini beralih kepada objektif kedua iaitu mengemukakan cadangan inovasi untuk menyelesaikan isu ketidakpatuhan Syariah dalam amalan yang sedia ada. Cadangan inovasi ini akan melibatkan pengintegrasian wakaf dalam pembiayaan kredit mikro Islam agar dapat mengekalkan kesucian agama di samping meraikan manfaat-manfaat ekonomi hasil daripada integrasi ini.</p> <p><em>The economic development of the low-incomed community in Malaysia can be done through poverty alleviation. Nowadays, poverty alleviation is done by encouraging the poor to start businesses so that they can be independent with a steady income. To support this effort, microcredit financing to the poor who do not have the funding to start a business has been provided by financial institutions such as banks. Apart from banking institutions, there are various micro credit financing institutions that have been operating in Malaysia. Two institutions that have shown a high success rate in helping the poor out of poverty through the provision of business capital are Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) and TEKUN Nasional. Both of these institutions are used as examples and research materials in the preparation of this article. This article uses a qualitative methodology which is a doctrinal and comparative research method, it compares the relevant legal literature in terms of microcredit financing cases. It also discusses the relevant legal provisions in Malaysia. The main issue that needs to be discussed is the Shariah-compliant status of the micro credit financing products offered by these institutions. This study is important for consumers’ especially Muslim customers from the poor who need effective alternatives to end their economic crisis. Muslim customers need to ensure that micro credit financing currently offered in Malaysia is Shariah compliant to maintain the purity of property as taught in Islam. Therefore, this study has two main objectives that need to be focused on. Once the Shariah non -compliance status of the microcredit financing products offered is proven, this study moves on to the second objective which is to submit innovative proposals to resolve the issue of Shariah non -compliance in existing practices. The proposed innovation will involve the integration of wakaf in Islamic microcredit financing in order to maintain the purity of religion while celebrating the economic benefits resulting from this integration.</em></p> Nur Khalidah Dahlan Wan Aishah Wan Fatul Ruzian Markom Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Khalidah Dahlan, Wan Aishah Wan Fatul, Ruzian Markom https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 29 1 151 172 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.539 Perjuangan dan Pendekatan Dakwah Ebit Lew Kepada Golongan Asnaf di Malaysia https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/544 <p>Golongan asnaf terdiri daripada faqir dan miskin mempunyai bahagian tertentu dalam zakat. Bilangan mereka semakin meningkat berikutan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang terpaksa dikuatkuasakan bagi mengekang penularan wabak COVID19. Kajian ini menganalisis pemikiran dan perjuangan Ebit Irawan bin Ibrahim Lew dalam menjalankan dakwah dan menghulurkan bantuan kepada golongan asnaf di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis dapatan data secara diskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan pemikiran dan perjuangan Ebit Lew dalam melaksanakan dakwah dan membela nasib golongan asnaf wajar dicontohi pada pelbagai peringkat dakwah dan misi kemanusiaan. Dalam erti kata lain, perjuangannya boleh dijadikan teladan dalam membasmi kemiskinan dan memperkasakan ekonomi ummah serantau di Malaysia secara bersasar dan menyeluruh.</p> <p><em>The asnaf group of the poor and needy has a particular share in zakat. They are increasing following the Movement Control Order (MCO), which had to be enforced to curb the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. This study analyzes the struggle and approach of of Ebit Irawan bin Ibrahim Lew in carrying out da’wah and extending help to the asnaf group in Malaysia. The study utilizes a qualitative method by analyzing data findings descriptively. The findings of the study show that the struggle and approach of Ebit Lew's da'wah in carrying out da'wah and defending the plight of the asnaf group should be emulated at various levels of da’wah and humanitarian missions. In a strict sense, his struggle and da'wah approach are pro-active. Complicated bureaucracy and endless procedures and protocols are set aside. Instead, he went to the field and directly helped those in need. Strictly speaking, this method should be exemplified in eradicating poverty and empowering the economy of the regional community in Malaysia in a targeted and comprehensive manner.</em></p> Muhammad Azizan Sabjan Kartina Sari Abd Karim Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Azizan Sabjan, Kartina Sari Abd Karim https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 29 1 173 191 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.544 Amalan Etika dan Budaya Integriti dalam Kalangan Pengawai Penyiasat di Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/545 <p>Etika dan penghayatan integriti merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting dalam agensi penguatkuasaan undang-undang (Mahayudin, 2006) seperti Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM). Untuk meneroka amalan etika dan budaya integriti, suatu kajian akan dijalankan bagi meneroka konsep, faktor, cabaran dan kesan pengamalan etika dan budaya integiti dalam kalangan pegawai penyiasat di Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah/Crime Investigation Department (JSJ/CID) dan kesannya terhadap imej profesional polis. Jabatan Penyiasatan Jenayah dilihat amat sentral dalam penguatkuasaan undang-undang dan penyiasatan jenayah justeru memahami konsep etika dan pengamalannya adalah sesatu yang <em>crucial</em>. Ia menyumbang kepada peningkatan kepercayaan rakyat terhadap PDRM serta kecekapan dan prestasi penyampaian PDRM. Bagi memahami fenomena ini secara mendalam, kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif pendekatan fenomenologi dengan persampelan bertujuan. Pengumpulan data melalui kaedah temubual separa berstruktur serta perbincangan berkumpulan berfokus (FGD) akan dilaksanakan bagi meneroka konsep, cabaran dan kesan pengamalan etika dan budaya integriti. Rumusan hasil kajian ini akan dapat mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengamalan budaya integriti, cabaran dan halangan serta kesan pengamalan integriti terhadap imej dan keupayaan perkhidmatan PDRM. Suatu model “Budaya Integriti PDRM” akan dihasilkan untuk menjadi panduan tentang pengamalan etika dan budaya integriti para pegawai polis dalam era pasca abad ke-20 ini.</p> <p><em>Ethics and the appreciation of integrity is one of the most important aspects in law enforcement agencies (Mahayudin, 2006) such as the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). A study to explore ethical practices and integrity culture, should be conducted to explore its concepts and understanding, factors, challenges and effects among investigating officers in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and its impact on police professional image. The CID is deemed as having a very central role in law enforcement and crime fighting, therefore understanding the practice of ethics and the integrity culture in the unit is critical. It contributes to increasing the people's trust in PDRM as well as the efficiency and performance of PDRM delivery system. This study is a literature review preceeding a an in depth study to explore this phenomenon. It will employ qualitative methods namely in-depth interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) and using the phenomenological approach and purposive sampling. Initially, this library research’s results will enable the researcher to identify the factors that influence the practice of integrity culture, challenges, and obstacles as well as the impact of integrity practice in various settings particularly law enforcement agencies. Findings of the field work will consequently enable a holistic understanding of a model of "PDRM Integrity Culture" to be a guide on the practice of ethics and integrity culture of police officers in the post-20th century era particularly in crime investigations.</em></p> Mohd. Zaliridzal Zakaria Muhammed Fauzi Othman Copyright (c) 2023 Mohd. Zaliridzal Zakaria, Muhammed Fauzi Othman https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 29 1 192 210 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.545 Peranan Pihak Berautoriti Menangani Penyelewengan dalam Amalan Pengubatan Islam di Malaysia: Analisis Pendekatan Dakwah https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/563 <p>Amalan pengubatan Islam adalah satu bidang perubatan yang diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) di bawah Bahagian Perubatan Tradisional dan Komplementari (BPTK) sebaris dengan enam perubatan tradisional dan komplementari yang lain. Demi menjaga prinsip amalan pengubatan Islam patuh syariah, terdapat beberapa langkah dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh pihak berautoriti pada peringkat persekutuan seperti KKM, pada peringkat negeri seperti Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Melaka (JAIM) dan pada peringkat badan pengamal iaitu Persatuan Perubatan, Pengubatan dan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Darussyifa’). Justeru, artikel ini membincangkan peranan pihak berautoriti sebagai suatu gerakan dakwah dari konteks mencegah kemungkaran atas <em>mafsadah</em> yang berlaku. Oleh itu, data primer daripada kaedah temu bual dan data sekunder daripada kajian kepustakaan digunakan sebagai kaedah pengumpulan data kajian ini. Seterusnya, data diinterpretasi dengan menggunakan analisis kandungan dan analisis tematik. Kajian ini mendapati terdapat empat pendekatan dakwah yang digunakan oleh pihak berautoriti iaitu dakwah melalui kuasa, amaran dan undang-undang, <em>mauizah al-hasanah</em>, <em>mudajalah</em> dan dakwah melalui saluran dan media. Kesimpulannya, peranan dakwah pada peringkat Persekutuan, negeri mahupun pada peringkat badan pengamal adalah sangat penting dalam menangani penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh pengamal yang semakin membarah dalam amalan pengubatan Islam di Malaysia.</p> <p><em>Islamic medicine is one of six traditional and complementary medical specialties recognised by the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) under the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Division (TCM). Authorities at the federal level, such as the Ministry of Health Malaysia, at the state level, such as the Melaka State Department of Islamic Religion, and at the level of practitioners, such as the Malaysian Islamic Medicine, Medicine and Welfare Association (Darussyifa'), play a number of steps and roles in maintaining the principles of Islamic medicine practises that comply to Sharia. In order to prevent evil from occurring on the mafsadah, this article discusses the role of the authorities as a da'wah movement. In order to collect data for this study, both primary data from the interview method and secondary data from the literature review were used. Following that, content analysis and thematic analysis are used to interpret the data. This study found that there are four da'wah approaches used by the authorities, namely da'wah through power, warning and law, mauizah al-hasanah, mudajalah and da'wah through channels and media. In conclusion, da'wah plays an essential role at the federal, state, and practitioner levels in addressing the issue of religious deviation that is becoming increasingly of an issue in Malaysian Islamic medicine.</em></p> Nurain Ab Hamid Nik Suhaida Nik Abdul Majid Copyright (c) 2023 Nurain Ab Hamid, Nik Suhaida Nik Abdul Majid https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 29 1 211 231 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.563 Perkembangan, Peranan Dan Sumbangan Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan Wanita Islam Di Malaysia: Satu Tinjauan Awal https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/427 <p>Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan wanita Islam juga merupakan antara Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan yang turut memainkan peranan penting dalam arena aktivisme di Malaysia. Pertubuhan ini terlibat secara aktif dalam aktiviti kebajikan dan mempengaruhi polisi kerajaan terutama melibatkan hal ehwal wanita. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji keberadaan dan penglibatan Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan wanita Islam di Malaysia terutama melibatkan isu-isu kewanitaan. Hal ini bagi meneliti sumbangan pertubuhan ini terhadap kaum wanita serta aspek-aspek yang perlu ditambah baik bagi memperkasakan peranan dan menjamin survival Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan wanita Islam di Malaysia. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah kualitatif melalui kajian kepustakaan. Sejumlah 13 Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan wanita Islam telah dipilih untuk dijadikan sebagai sampel bagi kajian ini. Analisis mendapati, terdapat 6 isu utama berkaitan wanita yang difokuskan oleh Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan wanita Islam iaitu isu pemerkasaan wanita, hak-hak wanita, kebajikan wanita, kepimpinan wanita, keagamaan wanita dan pendidikan wanita.</p> <p><em>Muslim women’s Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are among the NGOs that play an important role in the arena of activism in Malaysia. These organizations are actively engaged in charitable activities and influence government policy particularly related to women’s affairs. This study aims to analyze the existence and engagement of Muslim women’s NGOs in Malaysia, particularly concerning women’s issues. This paper also analyzes the role and contribution of Muslim women’s NGOs to women as well as the aspects that need to be improved to strengthen the role of Muslim women’s NGOs and ensure their survival in Malaysia. This study applied a qualitative method through library research. Thirteen Muslim women’s NGOs were selected as a sample for this study. The study found that there are six main women-related issues that Muslim women’s NGOs focus on, namely women’s empowerment, rights, welfare, leadership, religion, and education. The findings of this study are important as attention and guidance by Muslim Women's Non-Governmental Organizations, especially the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia to further strengthen the role of Muslim Women's Non-Governmental Organizations and ensure the continuity of the Muslim women's movement that upholds Islamic Sharia in Malaysia.</em></p> Muhammad Adam Abd. Azid Khairulnazrin Nasir Rahim Kamarul Zaman Abdul Azib Hussain Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Adam Abd. Azid, Khairulnazrin Nasir, Rahim Kamarul Zaman, Abdul Azib Hussain https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 29 1 232 251 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.427 The Role of Spiritual Unit (Chaplaincy) in The Development of Islamization of Health Management in Al-Islam Specialist Hospital, Kuala Lumpur https://abqarijournal.usim.edu.my/index.php/abqari/article/view/554 <p>This paper discussed the role of the Spiritual Unit (Chaplaincy) of Al-Islam Specialist Hospital to implement the process of Islamization of health management in the administration. The study will unravel the history and the role of Spiritual Unit (Chaplaincy) on the development of hospital staff as well as the contribution to other health sectors. This research is using qualitative research methods where the research is founded on a comprehensive study of current literature on Muslim chaplaincy and Islamization in healthcare management. Important reviews of these literature studies have resulted in the study that found the role of the Spiritual Unit (Chaplaincy), Al-Islam Specialist Hospital has successfully strengthened the hospital management journey in implementing <em>da</em><em>’</em><em>wah bil hal</em>&nbsp;through the concept of Ibadah Friendly Hospital (IFH) and successfully left an impact on health management through the Islamization process that has been implemented. Thus, the Spiritual Unit (Chaplaincy) plays a significant role in transforming the paradigm of health management in a complete and holistic way, in addition to its major role in offering spiritual care to patients.</p> Surina Mohamad Shafi Mohd Zulkifli Awang Ishak Mas’ud Nurul Aisyah Amir Ramli Copyright (c) 2023 Surina Mohamad Shafi, Mohd Zulkifli Awang, Ishak Mas’ud, Nurul Aisyah Amir Ramli https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-09-30 2023-09-30 29 1 252 266 10.33102/abqari.vol29no1.554